Award Ceremony

We attended the Sheila Mckechnie (SMK) Recognition Awards Ceremony in London yesterday. It's a celebration of people who demonstrate their commitment to and effectiveness in tackling the root causes of injustice and inequality, be it over the last year or over many years.
To be honest, I hadn't known SMK, but my husband was nominated for SMK Campaigner of the Year Award and we were invited to the ceremony. He has devoted Divided Families Campaign, BritCits since last 9th July, after we joined the demonstration against the new family Migration rules. He has produced case studies for MPs and journalists, created an website where people can share experiences and information, and mobilised people to respond to an All Party Parliamentary Group inquiry. I know he has been keen on these activities and has worked very hard. I am very glad that his activity was recognized and assessed as new campaigner and I am so proud of him.
It was a nice ceremony, and presenters and winners had a wonderful speech. It was a great experience for me to witness amazing campaigners.



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